Embedded in DTN APAC’ industry interfaces, the system gives you a time advantage when monitoring conditions developing over your infrastructure and location.
Stormtracker is our Global Information System (GIS) tracking tool, providing multiple weather layers and zoom controls overlaid on a map of your location and infrastructure. You can choose a snapshot or full screen view, depending on your requirements. The maps allow you to monitor all weather, and specifically any systems likely to cause risk for your business. You also have the capacity to observe:
Stormtracker’s radar imagery updates every 10 minutes, so you are always able to respond rapidly to changing conditions. You can customise alerting to notify you when your staff or infrastructure are under threat. With increased situational awareness, your ability to make informed decisions quickly is optimised.
DTN APAC’ experience and intelligence gives you a clear path through complex situations. Let us assist you, offering actionable insight when extreme weather poses risk to your business.
Stormtracker’s maps offer you the ability to monitor complex and geographically widespread weather systems relative to your business. Images are always high-resolution, whether on control room screens, large monitors, laptops, tablets or smart phones.
Stormtracker is setting the new benchmark in the visualisation of weather and environmental information, making your operational and planning decisions easier.
Stormtracker’s weather data updates every 10 minutes giving you the lead time to respond to incoming weather threats.
Localised GIS mapping over your infrastructure allows you a clear visual on potential impact, directing your operational response.
Your alerting can be customised to your proximity thresholds, advising you on lightning and thunderstorms, as well as fire, flood and wind.
DTN APAC’ foundations are built on:
We relish the challenge of complex weather problems, creating intuitive solutions to reduce impacts on your business, and improve efficiency and safety outcomes.
With the global climate shifting into unchartered territory, you can rely on us to evolve with you, providing the most reliable weather nowcasting and forecasting to see you through challenging conditions.
We can work with you to positively impact your output, keep your staff and assets safe, and optimise your response to the weather.
Australia should experience summer without the influence of major climate drivers like La Niña or a negative IOD, potentially heightening the risk of heatwaves, extreme heat and bushfires across parts of the country. Pacific Ocean climate driver During much of 2024, the sea surface temperatures across the central and eastern Pacific have been cooler than […]
Australia recorded its warmest spring on record, with also severe rainfall deficiencies occurring across parts of the country, setting the stage for high fire risk this summer. The Australasian Fire and Emergency Services Authorities Council (AFAC) released their summer bushfire outlook for 2024 on Thursday, November 28, showing large areas of the NT, Vic and […]
Australia just had its warmest spring on record with a mean temperature more than 2°C above the long-term average. The national mean temperature in spring 2024 – which is the average of 112 weather stations spread out across the country – was about 24.58°C. This is exceptionally high for spring, coming in at 2.08°C above […]
After a stormy November across much of the country – especially in large parts of northern and eastern Australia in the final week of the month – the unstable pattern is set to continue into the first week of December. Image: Accumulated rainfall totals across Australia predicted by the ECMWF model for the week ending […]