Prosper in a dynamic world

Reap the benefit of hindsight

Rely on StormQuery’s historical severe weather reports, with hyper-local lightning strike data

StormQuery is DTN APAC’ historical lightning and severe weather reporting tool. It’s an easy-to-use solution, designed to facilitate quick and complete insurance claim management and weather event analysis.

StormQuery maps storms that have affected your business or clients, offering key, time-stamped data to aid in processing insurance claims.

You can produce weather reports in a PDF format for detailed investigation and analysis. This in-depth reporting can assist whether you’re looking at lodging or investigating insurance claims, analysing the effects of storms on your business, or planning future operational responses to weather.

You have the capacity to view specific severe weather incidents with mapped and time-stamped lightning strike data. Choose your location of interest, time and date and you have complete visibility of individual strikes, enabling you to pin-point the exact catalyst for damage or ignition of fire.

Gain the benefit of hindsight and comprehensive analysis of severe weather events. StormQuery is the solution that collates and delivers the most accurate, hyper-local data, exactly when you need it.

Prosper in a dynamic world

With complete visibility of historical incidents, you can improve not only your business’ response but your preparation for future risk.

DTN APAC’ experience and intelligence gives you a clear path through complex situations. Let us assist you, offering you actionable insight when extreme weather threatens.

Instantly Verified Data

StormQuery provides the most accurate and comprehensive weather and lightning information on the market, allowing instant verification.

Quick, Comprehensive Reporting

Detailed lightning strike maps and analysis reports are created quickly in a clear PDF format. Only pay for the reports you create, saving both time and money.

Mapped Lightning Strikes 

Lightning strikes are identified and time-stamped down to each individual address, ensuring the most accurate data available to support your planning or claims management.

Mitigate risk and improve safety

When a severe weather system is heading straight for you, our team of qualified meteorologists dissect the data around the clock to give you actionable solutions.

You don’t need to weather the storms alone. We can help you break down the timeline, so that you can approach your preparations in the most practical way, deciding on how best to manage the immediate risk.

DTN APAC’ experience and intelligence gives you a clear path through a complex situation. Let us assist you in making the best possible assessment of risk to your business when extreme weather threatens.

Bespoke solutions to give you clear advice, exactly when you need it.

Latest news

Satisfy your weather obsession with these news headlines from around the nation, and the world.

Sydney to sweat through week-long run of heat

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Tropics awakening, increasing risk of cyclones, heavy rain and storms

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Pre-summer heatwave hitting southeastern Australia

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