Prosper in a dynamic world

Total Lightning Network – Keeping Your Business Safe

The Weatherzone Total Lightning Network (WZTLN) is Australia’s most advanced solution for maximising the safety of outdoor workers, whilst minimising downtime. Additionally it can be used by the Insurance industry to warn customers of severe weather, so that losses can be reduced through the moving of cars indoors and similar evasive action.

Weatherzone utilises the world leading Earth Network’s technology, which is a superior solution in the detection accuracy for both cloud-to-ground and cloud-to-cloud strikes than any other method.

This ‘total lightning’ aspect of the WZTLN provides the earliest possible alert of impending danger, as cloud to cloud strikes are often the precursor to the more life-threatening cloud to ground variety.

Additionally, researchers have shown that in-cloud lightning often serves as an early indicator of severe weather, from heavy rain to hail to damaging winds.

Therefore the use of a ‘total lightning’ solution can provide the earliest possible guidance on threatening weather through Weatherzone’s Dangerous Thunderstorm Alerts.

Since its launch in late 2014, the WZTLN has been utilised across Australia by various industry sectors, including;

  • Mining
  • Construction
  • Ports and Transport Networks
  • Aviation
  • Electricity Networks
  • Insurance

The benefit of the network is keeping workers safe, whilst maintaining a balance with productivity.

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