Hundreds of millimetres to lash northern Aus as MJO nears
An extremely wet week is on the cards for northern Australia, with frequent thunderstorm activity and heavy rainfall likely impacting mining operations in the country’s north. The soggy week is being partially caused by the Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO)...
Severe heatwave takes hold of NSW
A relentless five-day run of oppressive heat is impacting NSW, with some towns in the state expected to see the warmest run of November days in 15 years. The prolonged period of heat began on Saturday for western...
Big stormy end to spring looms for Australia
Rain and thunderstorms will hit part of every state and territory in Australia this week, with flash flooding a heightened risk amid the late-spring severe storm outbreak. Several factors will align to cause prolific rain and thunderstorm activity over...
Sydney to sweat through week-long run of heat
A sustained run of heat will grip Sydney over the coming week, with a string of hot days and uncomfortable nights giving the city an early taste of summer. A blocking high pressure system centred over the Tasman Sea...
Tropics awakening, increasing risk of cyclones, heavy rain and storms
The Madden Julian Oscillation and the monsoon should impact Australia in the next fortnight, increasing the risk of heavy rain, flooding, thunderstorms and tropical cyclones in the coming weeks. The Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) is currently over the Indian ocean...
Pre-summer heatwave hitting southeastern Australia
A burst of heat will sweep across Australia’s southeastern states during the next six days, causing temperatures to soar in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Canberra and Hobart. Northerly winds developing ahead of a broad low pressure trough will carry a...
Energy demand to skyrocket in steamy NSW
Oppressive heat is looming for NSW late this week into early next, with the potential to leave NSW with insufficient energy reserves. The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) has sent out several market notices for the lack of reserve...
Heavy rain to soak Queensland’s central coast on Thursday
A brief burst of heavy rain is likely to cause flash flooding along Queensland’s central coast on Thursday. A coastal trough being fed by a deep layer of moisture-laden winds coming off the Coral Sea will cause heavy rain...